The NewstrAid Benevolent Fund has been in existence for over 180 years. It was founded in 1839 and aims to provide welfare for people who are, or have been, employed in the selling and distribution of newspapers and magazines in the UK and who find themselves in hardship. This includes their immediate family and dependants who are in need or in distress.
NewstrAid is integral to the trade and is there to assist when colleagues fall on hard times, not exclusively the elderly but those who have suffered long term sickness or disability or faced redundancy, family breakdown or difficulty in supporting dependant children. Today’s world and workplace are changing rapidly and NewstrAid is there to continue to meet the needs of the less fortunate of the trade.
In order to achieve this, our Mission is to generate sustainable incomes to enable the charity to provide welfare to qualifying beneficiaries and to distribute those funds in ways which deliver the best value support in the context of rigorous governance.
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Registered Charity number 1116824. Scottish Charity number SC038775. A company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No: 5973987. A member of The Association of Charitable Organisations