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I am pleased to be able to report that all of us at NewstrAid are now working remotely from our own homes. Our post is being redirected, our phonelines are diverted and we are all set up to securely access the information we need to carry on the work of the Charity. Like many others, we are also getting used to regular calls and video conferences to stay in touch.
Our welfare team worked hard to send out April beneficiary payments a week early which has made it possible for more of the people we support to access their funds before the lockdown. Area Committee meetings, fundraising events and almoner visits have clearly been cancelled or postponed until we are clear of the risk of spreading the virus but, otherwise, the Charity is fully operational.
Although we can still do just about everything we were doing before, the constraints of working remotely may mean that things take us just a little longer so, please bear with us. We are still available to our beneficiaries and have a process in place to approve applications for support or even fast-track requests for help if necessary. Whilst we will do our best to take calls, it would be helpful if you could to contact us by email at oldben@newstraid.org.uk if possible.
Please stay safe and healthy as best you can by following the government advice to stay at home other than for one of the permitted reasons, always maintain a 2 metre gap from anyone not in your immediate household and wash your hands frequently, especially as soon as you get back home.
Best wishes from all at NewstrAid
Mike Mirams
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Registered Charity number 1116824. Scottish Charity number SC038775. A company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No: 5973987. A member of The Association of Charitable Organisations