NewstrAid Tandem Sky Dive 2022

On Saturday 2nd October ten intrepid colleagues from the newspaper and magazine industry will be jumping out of a plane to raise money for NewstrAid.

If you would like to reward these brave individuals, you can donate either via their individual fundraising pages (linked below) or by simply clicking the red donate button at the top of this page.

Andy law Mail Newspapers
Paul Smith Smiths News
Matt Ayre Newsteam
Liam Hunter Newsteam
Abigale Clarke Newsteam
Richard Cooper Mail Group Newspapers
Amelia Bardsley Inter-media
Kieran Blackler Inter-media
Lauren Cansick Inter-media
Jack Haisley-Wright Inter-media
Martyn Newton Inter-media
Mel Wakenshaw The Fed
Stewart Dacre Frontline